Friday Harbor Cruises -


Call 360-317-4321
1 Spring Street Landing, Friday Harbor, WA 98250

Experience the islands with a cruise on the “Bee”!  A proper little yacht, the Bee is a Grand Banks 32 and is one of the most comfortable boats in the harbor. A sunny flying bridge or a heated cabin offers all-weather comfort as we see wildlife in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Captain Greg’s stories of the colorful history of soldiers, smugglers, and the wildlife in this corner of the world will keep you entertained and informed. See eagles, seals, and sea lions and watch the whales while you relax on deck. Hear about the Pig War, the smugglers, and a cast of other colorful characters scattered throughout the history of this corner of the Salish Sea.

Try a sunset cruise or our “Round the Rock” day trip that circles the island with a lunch stop at Roche Harbor. Charters and custom cruises available. Kick back and relax with us!

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San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau
1-888-468-3701 | (360) 378-9551
P.O. Box 1330, Friday Harbor, Washington 98250
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